Accountability and Standards
West Neighbourhood House adheres to the following professional standards:
CARF Accreditation
Decent Work Charter
The Decent Work Charter is an initiative led by Toronto Neighbourhood Centres (TNC) network to promote stable, well paid work in the non-profit sector. West Neighbourhood House signed on to this Charter in 2016.
Toronto Central Local Health Integration (LHIN) Network Multi-Service Sector Accountability Agreement
Wagemark is an international wage standard used by companies, non-profit organizations and government agencies to certify that the ratio between their highest and lowest earners is competitive and sustainable. West Neighbourhood House adheres to Wagemark and works with MassLBP to promote this in the sector.
West Neighbourhood House collaborates with many organizations. Some of our primary memberships include:
Canadian Union of Public Employees
Addictions and Mental Health Ontario
Building a Better Bloor Dufferin
EarlyON Child and Family Centres
Mid West Ontario Health Team and West Ontario Health Team
OCASI Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants